DC Newsflash

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#1 Phantom Stranger

The DC New 52 has included a title for this mysterious guy, is he a hero or is he a villain?

Plot: 3/5
Art: 4/5
Character portrayal: 4/5
(Everything is a fresh start, so there is no 'existing character portrayal')

Why yes:
This books really do got me with the mysterious name and also its cover that has this spooky feeling like Halloween's around the corner.
Also, this character seems to be really important in the trinity war, as Pandora has appeared quite a lot in this series. So, is the Stranger a key part in the big event, or is he just someone that is strangely enough not to get involved?

Why not:
The plot really got me, have no idea what is going on, with Pandora and the Dark Justice League showing up, it just messes up a title that's already confusing enough. This is probably the one title I read that I have no idea what I am reading, the thing about helping people while not really helping them is pretty hard to understand, with also his necklace of coins, and out of nowhere one of the coins ended up in the hands of the dark justice league. Really???


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